
Attributes in Trilium

In Trilium, attributes are key-value pairs assigned to notes, providing additional metadata or functionality. There are two primary types of attributes:

  1. Labels: Simple key-value text records
  2. Relations: Named links to other notes

These attributes play a crucial role in organizing, categorizing, and enhancing the functionality of notes.

Screenshot of 'task template' attributes


Labels in Trilium can be used for a variety of purposes:

Labels are also searchable, enhancing note retrieval.

Common Labels for Advanced Configuration


Relations define connections between notes, similar to links.


Common Relations


Attributes in Trilium can be “multivalued”, meaning multiple attributes with the same name can coexist.

Attribute Definitions and Promoted Attributes

Special labels create “label/attribute” definitions, enhancing the organization and management of attributes. For more details, see Promoted attributes.

Attribute Inheritance

Trilium supports attribute inheritance, allowing child notes to inherit attributes from their parents. For more information, see Attribute inheritance.