
Upgrading TriliumNext

This document outlines the steps required to upgrade Triliumto a new release version.

How to Upgrade

Triliumdoes not support built-in automatic upgrades; all updates must be performed manually. The upgrade process varies depending on the installation method:

Database Compatibility and Migration

Upon startup, Triliumwill automatically migrate the database to the new version. Note that after migration, older versions of Trilium will be unable to read the database. If you need to revert to a previous version of Triliumand its database, you can restore the backup that is created prior to migration.

Sync Compatibility

The synchronization protocol used by Triliumis versioned, requiring all members of the sync cluster to use the same protocol version. Therefore, when upgrading to a new version, you may need to upgrade all instances in the sync cluster. Changes to the sync protocol version are typically indicated on the release page.