"use strict";
const utils = require('../../services/utils');
const dateUtils = require('../../services/date_utils');
const AbstractBeccaEntity = require("./abstract_becca_entity");
const sql = require("../../services/sql");
const protectedSessionService = require("../../services/protected_session");
const log = require("../../services/log");
const attachmentRoleToNoteTypeMapping = {
'image': 'image'
* Attachment represent data related/attached to the note. Conceptually similar to attributes, but intended for
* larger amounts of data and generally not accessible to the user.
* @extends AbstractBeccaEntity
class BAttachment extends AbstractBeccaEntity {
static get entityName() { return "attachments"; }
static get primaryKeyName() { return "attachmentId"; }
static get hashedProperties() { return ["attachmentId", "ownerId", "role", "mime", "title", "blobId", "utcDateScheduledForErasureSince"]; }
constructor(row) {
if (!row.ownerId?.trim()) {
throw new Error("'ownerId' must be given to initialize a Attachment entity");
} else if (!row.role?.trim()) {
throw new Error("'role' must be given to initialize a Attachment entity");
} else if (!row.mime?.trim()) {
throw new Error("'mime' must be given to initialize a Attachment entity");
} else if (!row.title?.trim()) {
throw new Error("'title' must be given to initialize a Attachment entity");
/** @type {string} */
this.attachmentId = row.attachmentId;
* either noteId or revisionId to which this attachment belongs
* @type {string}
this.ownerId = row.ownerId;
/** @type {string} */
this.role = row.role;
/** @type {string} */
this.mime = row.mime;
/** @type {string} */
this.title = row.title;
/** @type {int} */
this.position = row.position;
/** @type {string} */
this.blobId = row.blobId;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.isProtected = !!row.isProtected;
/** @type {string} */
this.dateModified = row.dateModified;
/** @type {string} */
this.utcDateModified = row.utcDateModified;
/** @type {string} */
this.utcDateScheduledForErasureSince = row.utcDateScheduledForErasureSince;
* optionally added to the entity
* @type {int}
this.contentLength = row.contentLength;
/** @returns {BAttachment} */
copy() {
return new BAttachment({
ownerId: this.ownerId,
role: this.role,
mime: this.mime,
title: this.title,
blobId: this.blobId,
isProtected: this.isProtected
/** @returns {BNote} */
getNote() {
return this.becca.notes[this.ownerId];
/** @returns {boolean} true if the note has string content (not binary) */
hasStringContent() {
return utils.isStringNote(this.type, this.mime);
isContentAvailable() {
return !this.attachmentId // new attachment which was not encrypted yet
|| !this.isProtected
|| protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()
getTitleOrProtected() {
return this.isContentAvailable() ? this.title : '[protected]';
decrypt() {
if (!this.isProtected || !this.attachmentId) {
this.isDecrypted = true;
if (!this.isDecrypted && protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) {
try {
this.title = protectedSessionService.decryptString(this.title);
this.isDecrypted = true;
catch (e) {
log.error(`Could not decrypt attachment ${this.attachmentId}: ${e.message} ${e.stack}`);
/** @returns {string|Buffer} */
getContent() {
return this._getContent();
* @param content
* @param {object} [opts]
* @param {object} [opts.forceSave=false] - will also save this BAttachment entity
* @param {object} [opts.forceFrontendReload=false] - override frontend heuristics on when to reload, instruct to reload
setContent(content, opts) {
this._setContent(content, opts);
/** @returns {{note: BNote, branch: BBranch}} */
convertToNote() {
if (this.type === 'search') {
throw new Error(`Note of type search cannot have child notes`);
if (!this.getNote()) {
throw new Error("Cannot find note of this attachment. It is possible that this is note revision's attachment. " +
"Converting note revision's attachments to note is not (yet) supported.");
if (!(this.role in attachmentRoleToNoteTypeMapping)) {
throw new Error(`Mapping from attachment role '${this.role}' to note's type is not defined`);
if (!this.isContentAvailable()) { // isProtected is the same for attachment
throw new Error(`Cannot convert protected attachment outside of protected session`);
const noteService = require('../../services/notes');
const { note, branch } = noteService.createNewNote({
parentNoteId: this.ownerId,
title: this.title,
type: attachmentRoleToNoteTypeMapping[this.role],
mime: this.mime,
content: this.getContent(),
isProtected: this.isProtected
const parentNote = this.getNote();
if (this.role === 'image' && parentNote.type === 'text') {
const origContent = parentNote.getContent();
const oldAttachmentUrl = `api/attachments/${this.attachmentId}/image/`;
const newNoteUrl = `api/images/${note.noteId}/`;
const fixedContent = utils.replaceAll(origContent, oldAttachmentUrl, newNoteUrl);
if (fixedContent !== origContent) {
noteService.asyncPostProcessContent(note, fixedContent);
return { note, branch };
getFileName() {
const type = this.role === 'image' ? 'image' : 'file';
return utils.formatDownloadTitle(this.title, type, this.mime);
beforeSaving() {
if (this.position === undefined || this.position === null) {
this.position = 10 + sql.getValue(`SELECT COALESCE(MAX(position), 0)
FROM attachments
WHERE ownerId = ?`, [this.noteId]);
this.dateModified = dateUtils.localNowDateTime();
this.utcDateModified = dateUtils.utcNowDateTime();
getPojo() {
return {
attachmentId: this.attachmentId,
ownerId: this.ownerId,
role: this.role,
mime: this.mime,
title: this.title,
position: this.position,
blobId: this.blobId,
isProtected: !!this.isProtected,
isDeleted: false,
dateModified: this.dateModified,
utcDateModified: this.utcDateModified,
utcDateScheduledForErasureSince: this.utcDateScheduledForErasureSince,
contentLength: this.contentLength
getPojoToSave() {
const pojo = this.getPojo();
delete pojo.contentLength;
if (pojo.isProtected) {
if (this.isDecrypted) {
pojo.title = protectedSessionService.encrypt(pojo.title);
else {
// updating protected note outside of protected session means we will keep original ciphertexts
delete pojo.title;
return pojo;
module.exports = BAttachment;