Source: widgets/note_context_aware_widget.js

import BasicWidget from "./basic_widget.js";
import appContext from "../components/app_context.js";

 * This widget allows for changing and updating depending on the active note.
 * @extends {BasicWidget}
class NoteContextAwareWidget extends BasicWidget {
    isNoteContext(ntxId) {
        if (Array.isArray(ntxId)) {
            return this.noteContext && ntxId.includes(this.noteContext.ntxId);
        else {
            return this.noteContext && this.noteContext.ntxId === ntxId;

    isActiveNoteContext() {
        return appContext.tabManager.getActiveContext() === this.noteContext;

    isNote(noteId) {
        return this.noteId === noteId;

    /** @returns {FNote|undefined} */
    get note() {
        return this.noteContext?.note;

    /** @returns {string|undefined} */
    get noteId() {
        return this.note?.noteId;

    /** @returns {string|undefined} */
    get notePath() {
        return this.noteContext?.notePath;

    /** @returns {string} */
    get hoistedNoteId() {
        return this.noteContext?.hoistedNoteId;

    get ntxId() {
        return this.noteContext?.ntxId;

     * Indicates if the widget is enabled. Widgets are enabled by default. Generally setting this to `false` will cause the widget not to be displayed, however it will still be available on the DOM but hidden.
     * <p>
     * If the widget is not enabled, it will not receive `refreshWithNote` updates.
     * @returns {boolean} true when an active note exists
    isEnabled() {
        return !!this.note;

    async refresh() {
        if (this.isEnabled()) {

            try {
                await this.refreshWithNote(this.note);
            } catch (e) {
                // Ignore errors when user is refreshing or navigating away.
                if (e === "rejected by browser") {

                throw e;
        else {

     * Override this method to be able to refresh your
     * widget with each note.
     * @param {FNote} note
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async refreshWithNote(note) {}

    async noteSwitchedEvent({noteContext, notePath}) {
        // if notePath does not match, then the noteContext has been switched to another note in the meantime
        if (noteContext.notePath === notePath) {
            await this.noteSwitched();

    async noteSwitched() {
        await this.refresh();

    async activeContextChangedEvent({noteContext}) {
        this.noteContext = noteContext;

        await this.activeContextChanged();

    async activeContextChanged() {
        await this.refresh();

    // when note is both switched and activated, this should not produce a double refresh
    async noteSwitchedAndActivatedEvent({noteContext, notePath}) {
        this.noteContext = noteContext;

        // if notePath does not match, then the noteContext has been switched to another note in the meantime
        if (this.notePath === notePath) {
            await this.refresh();

    setNoteContextEvent({noteContext}) {
        /** @var {NoteContext} */
        this.noteContext = noteContext;

    async noteTypeMimeChangedEvent({noteId}) {
        if (this.isNote(noteId)) {
            await this.refresh();

    async frocaReloadedEvent() {
        await this.refresh();

export default NoteContextAwareWidget;