

Relation map is a type of note which visualizes notes and their relations. See an example:

Development process demo

This is a basic example how you can create simple diagram using relation maps:

And this is how you can create it:

We start completely from scratch by first creating new note called “Development process” and changing its type to “Relation map”. After that we create new notes one by one and place them by clicking into the map. We also drag relations between notes and name them. That’s all!

Items on the map - “Specification”, “Development”, “Testing” and “Demo” are actually notes which have been created under “Development process” note - you can click on them and write some content. Connections between notes are called “relations”.

Family demo

This is more complicated demo using some advanced concepts. Resulting diagram is here:

This is how you get to it:

There are several steps here:

Relation definitions mentioned above come from “Person template” note which is assigned to any child of “My Family Tree” relation note. You can play with the whole thing in the demo notes.


You can specify which relations should be displayed with comma delimited names of relations in displayRelations label.

Alternatively, you can specify comma delimited list of relation names in hideRelations which will display all relations, except for the ones defined in the label.

See also