

screenshot of webclipper in chrome

Trilium Web Clipper is a web browser extension which allows user to clip text, screenshots, whole pages and short notes and save them directly to Trilium Notes.

Project is hosted here.

Firefox and Chrome are supported browsers, but the chrome build should work on other chromium based browsers as well.


Trilium will save these clippings as a new child note under a “clipper inbox” note.

By default, that’s the day note but you can override that by setting the label clipperInbox, on any other note.

If there’s multiple clippings from the same page (and on the same day), then they will be added to the same note.

Extension is available from:


The extension needs to connect to a running Trilium instance. By default, it scans a port range on the local computer to find a desktop Trilium instance.

It’s also possible to configure the server address if you don’t run the desktop application, or want it to work without the desktop application running.


Older versions of Trilium (before 0.50) required username & password to authenticate, but this is no longer the case. You may enter anything in that field, it will not have any effect.